Saturday, September 28, 2013

Diet Update

Oh my goodness!  I was so sick this morning!!  Completely lethargic and dizzy. I don't think the low carb thing agrees with me at all. I had a salad for lunch and feel much better now. I think I'm going to stick to it for the weekend and keep the book for the recipes but I don't think you should have to feel sick to loose weight. Starting next week, I'm going to go back to my usual common-sense choices, but focus more on portion control and cutting down on the treats, goodies, and cheat days since I still have a little weight I would like to loose. 


Friday, September 27, 2013

New Diet, Day One

Hey guys!

So after some of my observations during my vegan experiment, I decided to try something totally different to get into better shape before attending an out of town wedding that's coming up fast. 

After getting the book and the cookbook, I'm starting the Dukan diet. It sounds very interesting. I'm not really sure how much I buy into the low carb thing, but I like te structure of the later stages of te diet, which sound downright sensible. Today was day one of my five day Attack phase. I am eating nothing but fat free dairy, poultry and fish, and extras like spices, vinegar, diet soda, and herbs. 

At the end of the day, I can say that I feel pretty good, not funny at all, although I will be happy when I can add more things back in. 

Here's what I ate today:


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Teacher Tuesday

Hey guys!

Happy Teacher Tuesday!  Here's the tale of the best class I ever had:

My very first year as a teacher, while I was planning a wedding, too, I was assigned the class from hell. (Unfortunately in education, it's all to common to give new teachers the worst possible assignments. Think "trial by fire".)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Athens Trip: Day 4- The Acropolis!

Hello again! Athens' crown jewel is really the Acropolis.  A series of temples dedicated to Athena, the patron Greek goddess of the cit...