Friday, October 4, 2013

Fashion Friday Catch Up!

Hey guys,

With all my running around getting ready for our trip, I got behind on my weekly fashion posts, so here are some of my favorite work outfits recently:

Illinois Day 2

Hey guys!

Here's what we did today:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Healthy Travel Trips

Hey guys,

So traveling is always fun, but it can totally derail all of your good habits and hard work if you aren't careful. Exercise and eating well can both be a major challenge when you're away from home. Here are a few of my secrets for keeping on track while you're out having fun:


Hey guys!

So I've been frantically working in sub plans at work toget ready for this, but here we are in Illinois!  It was so hard to prep with short week after short week. Yesterday my MIL kindly drove us tothe airport at six am, where we flew to Salt Lake City for a brisk dash across the entire airport to catch our connecting flight and landed in Chicago at around four local time.

Athens Trip: Day 4- The Acropolis!

Hello again! Athens' crown jewel is really the Acropolis.  A series of temples dedicated to Athena, the patron Greek goddess of the cit...