Monday, December 22, 2014

I'm Back!

Hey guys!

I'm back after surviving the last week of school and a nasty weekend bout of stomach flu. How much does it stink to kick off two weeks of freedom like that?  Yuck!
Today I'm curled up on the couch with a bottle of Gatorade recoverin my strength. Hubby has to work today and tomorrow and then we are going to go spend a few days with my parents for Christmas. 

I thought I would show you want I gave and got playing Secret Snowflake at work this last week. I love doing things like this!

Here's what I gave:

Athens Trip: Day 4- The Acropolis!

Hello again! Athens' crown jewel is really the Acropolis.  A series of temples dedicated to Athena, the patron Greek goddess of the cit...