Thursday, July 7, 2016

Throwback Thursday!

Hey guys!

 I haven't done one of these in ages.  One of the things about being overseas is that we put a LOT of stuff in storage back home, including photo albums.  So I find myself struggling a bit because I'm lacking a lot of older pictures.  So, instead of a baby picture or an adorable childhood story, here's a throwback to the time that we spent our anniversary in Disneyland!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July!

Hey guys!

Happy Fourth of July to all of my fellow American readers.  For those of you from else where, Americans celebrate on the Fourth of July to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress (America's very first government) in 1776.  Among other things, the document stated that the 13 colonies considered themselves a new, independent country free of British control.  This led to the American Revolutionary War and the eventual ouster of British troops.  (Sorry guys, I doubt you need it rubbed in your face with everything going on over their right now!)

Athens Trip: Day 4- The Acropolis!

Hello again! Athens' crown jewel is really the Acropolis.  A series of temples dedicated to Athena, the patron Greek goddess of the cit...