Thursday, July 11, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday

Hey guys!

Welcome back for another edition of What I Ate Wednesday.  Today I'm keeping track of what I eat all day and will post it on my blog.  There's going to be a definite theme today; soft food!  I went to the dentist yesterday, and for some reason it made my jaw swell up.  It's really strange, especially since it was just a routine cleaning.

Breakfast (7:30 am):

Back to Work Outfit #4- Meet the Parents!

Hey guys,

I wouldn't say that I get really dressed up for work all that often.  I'm a science teacher, so I oversee labs all day and my job can get pretty messy.  However, I have the option of throwing my lab coat on over my duds, so that helps!  When I do dress up a lot, it always seems to be for events involving parents, like Open House or Parent/Teacher Conferences.  I think it's important to make a good impression, especially as a younger teacher. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Back to Work Outfit #3

Hey guys!

So I'm still going through my work clothes and looking for ways to combine old and new items to make great work ensembles for when I go back to work in August.  Here is my latest creation:

Trader Joe's Shout Out!

Hey guys,

So I was starting to work on my weekly What I Ate Wednesday post that will go up tomorrow, and I realized that I say Trader Joe's over and over again whenever I'm talking about food.  I thought it would be appropriate to tell you a little bit about why I love this store and some of my favorite things that I find there.  (By the way, this is my honest opinion and not a sponsored post!)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lipstick Mania!

Hey guys!

So I bought two new lipsticks the other day, bringing my lipstick collection to a grand total of four.  Despite the small number (I'm very picky and tend to pass along a lot of rejected lipsticks to my mom, sister, and baby cousin) I really love lipstick. 

I think that my unusual coloring makes it difficult to find good lipsticks for me.  I naturally have auburn (dark red) hair, although I brighten it up with strawberry blond highlights at the salon, paired with freckles, green eyes, dark eyebrows and eyelashes, and paler skin that is still significantly darker than my dad's or my sister's.  They are both also red heads, but with much more classic redhead coloring: very fair with tons of pale freckles, blond eyebrows and eyelashes, and blue eyes.  I look more like a combination of my dad's coloring and my mom's; she's actually quite dark. 

I don't wear lipstick to work, favoring all-day long lasting lip color from a tube instead, since I simply don't have time during my busy day to reapply lipstick.  However, there's something so much more sensual about lipstick, that I wear it pretty much any time that I'm not at work.  I strongly believe that if you have one good neutral for everyday and one amazing red for special occasions that you're prepared for anything.  Right now, I have three neutrals that I'm deciding between and one red. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Rainy Weekend, Part 2

Hey guys!

Whoops!  I totally forgot to include two pictures in my previous post.  Here's what I wore:


Rainy Weekend

Hey guys!

We've had a lot of unseasonably cloudy, drizzly weather lately.  We do get rain during the summer here, but it's usually fast moving storms that pass overhead with a lot of thunder and lightning.  Instead, it was overcast all weekend and we had some sporadic sprinkles.  Weird.  I can't complain too much, though.  The forth was clear and perfect for fireworks, it's just been since Friday. 

My hubby had Thursday and Friday off, but spent a lot of time studying for the GMAT, since he's thinking about grad school lately.  So it was mostly just me and the pups.  Here's what we did this weekend:

Athens Trip: Day 4- The Acropolis!

Hello again! Athens' crown jewel is really the Acropolis.  A series of temples dedicated to Athena, the patron Greek goddess of the cit...